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Our oceans used to be so colorful, they used to look like this. We can still make it turn back to this, let's make the life of the ocean come back!

Our Oceans

We have 5 oceans. The Pacific, The Atlantic, The Indian, The Arctic, and The Antarctic Ocean. With the Pacific the biggest and the Arctic as the smallest. All of these oceans are home to more than thousands of different species of living organisms. Many of these organisms are slowly dying, and it is all because of us, and what we are doing to our waters. Scientists predict that by 2050, we will have even more plastic in our oceans than fish. But we can stop this. If we all work together, we can make water pollution disappear! 

Our oceans have gone from beautiful and breathtaking, to plastic, and mucky. Is this how humans want to survive? Do we want all waters to have plastic, and all of them to have all sorts of bacteria, viruses, that will make us sick? Or do we want all waters to have varieties of life, and be colorful and clean? Yes, everyone would want to make it colorful and clean, but we're trashing it, which will make is worse, icky, murky, not what we want. Let's picture the world that we want, and let's make that happen. Animals are dying, the world is dying, let's make a difference. You want a world with nature everywhere? Don't dream it, make it.

Fun Facts

  1. Did you know that the deepest part of the ocean is actually the Challenger Deep ? it is located at the bottom of the Mariana trench and is the deepest known point on earth  being 35,814 feet below sea level 

  2. Did you know that sharks were something that our ocean was full of before?

  3. Did you know that there is a path in the Pacific Ocean called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch that is filled with garbage?

  4. Did you know that some predators like sharks are crucial to the ocean? If they become extinct, our oceans might soon have no more life.

  5. The ocean is the largest ecosystem on Earth! That means we don't need to worry for a long time about garbage in our ocean right? Wrong. Our oceans are already very polluted, and over fishing has decreased the fish population dramatically and with the garbage in our ocean, it decreases the fish population even more. We need to stop trashing our ocean or we are not going to have fish anymore.

Sea Turtle

Our Oceans

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